Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Time to Make Some Time

Some of you may have noticed that I've been slacking a bit in the blog post and Facebook/Twitter update department. I have to admit it's been a challenge to keep up with recently. Between work and home, the handful of parties I'm throwing in the next few weeks and trying to get some sleep squeezed in, I feel like I've been spending a lot of time away from all things author.

I can tell you this though, I've been trapped in my head with a few new characters that I'm excited to work on! It's all a matter of finding the time or making the time. I wish I could hole up in the house, call in sick to work and avoid all other responsibilities for a few weeks and dedicate every second to my newest work-in-progress but sadly that isn't a realistic option.

For a while I had this goal in my head of finishing another novel to be ready for submission by the end of the year. It was an overly ambitious statement that I kinda wish I hadn't said since goals like that tend to bite me in the butt. So I'm not working with a date in mind and I'm not pressuring myself with a deadline. I'm going to kick it old school and simply write to write! 

Send me your good vibes that I can find the time to do what I love most all while keeping up with that little thing called life.

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