Monday, April 30, 2012

Janelle Lee : The Author Interview

Welcome Janelle Lee from Rebel Ink Press!

Tell us a little about yourself:
I was born in Sydney, Australia and now live in Gol Gol, NSW with my husband, two dogs, an aviary of birds and a cat that I am not suppose to know that we have.

How long  have you been writing?
I can't remember a time when I didn't write. I used to write plays and make my siblings play the parts. They still remind me of this to this day and still complain about it.

What/ who  inspires you?
My grandmother used to bake and while she kneaded dough and rolled out pastry she used to tell me stories. She made up poetry on the spot. I think creatively I take after her but I never seemed to get her talent for cooking.

What is  your creative process?
My writings are character driven so I spend most of the process sorting out who they are, where they have been and more importantly where they are going. I worked on the premise of 'What If'. 

Do you struggle with anything in particular as a writer?
Finding more hours in the day. Being the Writer in Residence at the local school takes up most of my day and the rest or the time I write. I make sure I write everyday.

How do you prepare to write? What do you do to get in the right frame of mind? 
I don't have any set preparation although I just need to be left alone. It sounds terribly anti social but my family and friends are used to me. They are either very understanding or afraid that they will end up dead in one of my books.

What genre of writing would you love to try?
I would love to have a go at historical romance/suspense. Everything thing I write is            contemporary so it would make a nice change and I love researching.

Was there ever a time you felt like giving up writing? If so, what changed your mind?
I came close once when 40,000 words turned into 250,000 asterisks and I had autosave on... I was gutted until the news came on that Japan had been hit by an earthquake followed by a tsunami suffice to say my 'loss' was put into perspective.

What's your favorite genre to read? Any favorite authors you care to share?
 I love thrillers. I have read everything Jeffrey Archer has written.

What advice would you give someone with a creative dream that doesn't necessarily fall in line with their normal lives?            
Find time to write, you can't be a writer without writing. 

What's your guilty pleasure?
It's rather boring I am afraid... I love eating vegemite and cheese on weetbix. It's an Australian thing. It sounds disgusting but it is delicious... Well I think so. 

What are you totally obsessed with right now?
I am currently working on a story about a little girl who went missing on the day World War 2 ended. I have been researching and interviewing for the last four years. It has been the most fascinating journey with the family to try and find the truth.  

Find more out about Janelle on and follow her on twitter @janellelee747  

Be sure to check out her novels and short stories :

Hell Has a Harbour View was released in Dec 2011.
Aisha was released April 2012.
Uncovered is set to release May 2012           
Saving Tim is set to release August 2012

Thanks so much to Janelle for chatting with me!

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